CARP Associazione di Promozione Sociale | Viale Giorgio Pallavicini 22 – 48121 Ravenna (Italia)
Pallavicini22 Spazio espositivo
Associazione di Promozione Sociale
"CARP Associazione di Promozione Sociale" or, in short, "CARP APS" is a non-profit association, freely constituted on 10th March 2022 for the organization and management of cultural, artistic or recreational activities of social interest to be organized mainly at the PALLAVICINI22 Art Gallery exhibition hall or at the GHIGI-PAGNANI villa which host the homonymous Collection and Archive. The registered office of CARP APS - acronym for Collections, Art, Research, Promotion - is in Ravenna in Viale Giorgio Pallavicini 22.
For the realization of the prefixed purpose and with the intent to act in favor of the whole community, the Association aims to:
- carry out work of promotion and dissemination of art in all its expressions;
- carry out cultural initiatives allowing the meeting between experts and art lovers;
- organize trips or excursions to expand the direct knowledge of the localities and places of art and culture;
- organize performances, temporary exhibitions, projects, photo shoots and art events created by national and international artists;
- promote knowledge of the Ghigi-Pagnani Collection Archive and its history;
- carry out courses, events, conferences, debates, exhibitions, seminars to achieve and disseminate their aims;
- carry out any other activity connected or similar to those listed above and carry out any contractual act or operation necessary or useful for the direct or indirect realization of the institutional purposes, always in compliance with the relevant legislation.
- The association may also carry out fundraising activities pursuant to art. 7 of the Third Sector Code, in compliance with the criteria and procedures set out therein.
The Board of Directors in office for the four-year period 2022/2026 elected Claudia Agrioli as President, owner of the PALLAVICINI22 Art Gallery exhibition hall and Vice President Roberto Pagnani, artist and curator of the GHIGI-PAGNANI Collection Archive.
Admission as a member of CARP Associazione di Promozione Sociale, approved by the Administrative Body, is subject to the submission of a specific written request by the interested parties in which the commitment to abide by the statute and to observe any regulations and resolutions adopted by the bodies of the Association is explicit.
For donations and contributions
CARP Associazione di Promozione Sociale is an association freely established for the organization and management of cultural, artistic or recreational activities of social interest
With Deed of the Executive DETERMINATION No. 9012 of 12/05/2022 BOLOGNA (EMILIA-ROMAGNA REGION Administrative acts REGIONAL COUNCIL) - pursuant to and by effect of article 47 of Legislative Decree no. 117/2017 and article 9 of the Ministerial Decree no. 106 of 09/15/2020 the registration of the "CARP ASSOCIAZIONE DI PROMOZIONE SOCIALE" institution in the "ASSOCIATIONS OF SOCIAL PROMOTION" section of the RUNTS is confirmed.
Tax Code 92097300393
Bank account in the name of CARP Associazione di Promozione Sociale
Crédit Agricole Italia S.p.A.
Via Circonvallazione Piazza d'Armi 64/66
I - 48122 Ravenna
IBAN IT65J0623013106000030339731
Bank account in the name of CARP Associazione di Promozione Sociale
Banca di Credito Cooperativo Ravennate Forlivese e Imolese Soc. Coop.
Viale Enrico Berlinguer, 12
I – 48124 Ravenna
IBAN IT34M0854213104000000728859
Pallavicini22 Spazio espositivo Ravenna Pallavicini22 Spazio espositivo Ravenna Pallavicini22 Spazio espositivo Ravenna Pallavicini22 Spazio espositivo Ravenna Pallavicini22 Spazio espositivo Ravenna